Welcome to Hamilton and Shireen Class

I hope that you enjoy finding out what we are doing in our classes. This will be an area that will celebrate our learning and keep you up to date with the things that we are learning about.

Happy Learning!

Early Years Curriculum

The children develop through playing, exploring, active learning, creating, and thinking critically. There are 7 areas of learning which are divided into the:


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development,
  • Communication and Language,
  • Physical Development

Specific areas

  • Literacy,
  • Maths,
  • Understanding the World,
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The prime areas are fundamental throughout the EYFS. The specific areas include the skills and knowledge which provide meaningful contexts for learning, and they develop more fully towards the end of the early years. The children carry out many practical experiences through which they are encouraged to explore and experiment.

The children use both the indoor and outdoor classroom during teacher-directed and child-initiated times. We love outdoor learning and come rain or shine, we explore and play outside in our outdoor environment.

To read more about our Curriculum in Reception, look at our  EYFS medium-term planning

We use the EYFS statutory framework, and ‘Development Matters’ to guide our learning. Our EYFS Curriculum goals are what we would like the children to aspire to become and achieve by the end of their time with us. We provide a thorough and vast range of experiences that encourage child-initiated, purposeful learning to help inspire this.



Philosophy for Children: Self Expression: I am noticing how I am feeling.

In Reception we are examining our feelings and emotions. We are learning that to be a good learner and good friend we need to be ready to learn, calm and feeling okay. In P4C (Philosophy for Children), we started by talking about the four zones of emotion. The...

Delightful Eid Celebrations

This week we have enjoyed celebrating Eid. We made Ramadan cards for our families and we invited our parents to make the cards with us. We had a great party in our smart party clothes. The dancing was fabulous. To set our places at the party table we drew our hands...

Goodbye Winter! Hello Spring!

This half term we have had a fabulous time learning and playing with our friends. In Hamilton class we know the three rules: To be Safe. To be committed. To be respectful. We take great care to follow these rules so that we all look after each other and learn...

Science Afternoon: Churning Butter in Hamilton Class

Hamilton children had great fun changing the state of milk to butter. We had to shake for 13 minutes until the milk had solidified. We could feel the thud in the glass jar when the milk had been churned enough. Luckily, we had lots of hands to shake, shake and shake...

Fireman Sam needs a dry glove!

We had a lovely time wearing our science jackets and getting our observation eyes on. We received a letter from Fireman Sam. He had a big problem. What material would we choose? Wood, metal, paper, fabric or plastic? As scientists we knew we could help Sam so we set...

Brrr it is cold in the Winter Season!

Hamilton class are wrapped up and ready for Winter. They have thick warm coats, woolly hats and gloves. Every day we go into the garden to play and we make sure that we are zipped up. If we get too cold we go into the warm classroom. On our Winter walk it snowed a...

This half term in Shireen Class.

This half term we have been doing lots of fantastic learning. Our topics have included Bonfire Night, Diwali, Autumn, Recycling, Looking after our teeth and Christmas. Our Understanding the World/History this half term was Bonfire Night and Remembrance. We learnt all...

Hamilton Class love learning and Christmas

The children are using their fine motor skills to mark make. Marking making starts with drawings, scribbles and then using the letters of the alphabet and finally using their phonics to write words and their names. Gross Motor skills support fine motor skills The...

Hamilton Class are learning all about healthy teeth.

Teeth are very important without them you would not be able to chew your food. We need to look after our teeth so this week we have been learning all about how to look after our teeth, what is healthy and unhealthy food to eat. We even made our own dentist surgery....

Musical Storytelling in Reception

This week Reception had a visit from Becky, a musical storyteller. She brought 2 instruments with her, a ukulele and a cello. Becky used these instruments to bring the story of Mikku and the Trees to life. This is an Estonian story about a man who one day goes into...

Spring Term 2 Newsletter

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Spring Term 1 Newsletter

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Autumn 2 Newsletter

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Recent news

Autumn 1 Maths at Lansbury Lawrence

Autumn 1 Maths at Lansbury Lawrence

This half term, children have been exploring Place Value and Additive Reasoning. Alongside our main lessons, children have also continued to engage in our Number Sense fluency programme and Problem Solving Activities. Here are some of the highlights: Year 6 Maths Club...