The children are using their fine motor skills to mark make. Marking making starts with drawings, scribbles and then using the letters of the alphabet and finally using their phonics to write words and their names.

Gross Motor skills support fine motor skills

The children have PE weekly where they get to use their bodies to develop their core muscles.

We all enjoyed the Christmas Topic:

We enjoyed reading the Nativity Story and we had the opportunity to act it out as a class and using the props.

We used our fine motor skills to make cards and write a message for our parents.

We made snowman biscuits with raisins, chocolate chips and icing sugar.

We enjoyed a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and pulled a cracker.

We rolled and cut our salt dough decorations.

We had a go at making paper chains, this was a fiddly job.

Finally, we invited the parents to see our singing and make art and crafts with us.

Noah enjoying his party food.