This half term, children have been exploring Place Value and Additive Reasoning. Alongside our main lessons, children have also continued to engage in our Number Sense fluency programme and Problem Solving Activities. Here are some of the highlights:

Year 6 Maths Club have been exploring fractions, percentages and ratio using counters to solve problems.

Year 4 children were finding midpoints to support estimation and rounding. They were also problem solving to find all possibilities.

Eyad in Riley Class has been working incredibly hard in maths and was really proud of his outcomes in Place Value:

Year 3 Hokusai won Battle of the Bands in the last week of term and were very excited to win our coveted TTRS Trophy:

This term, teachers have also been practicing their maths and have explored number and problem solving using a range of manipulatives and representations – the same we use in class with our children:

Mr. McQuaid’s after school club is all about board games. This requires thinking strategically, pattern spotting, making predictions and using a range of mathematical skills:

Maher in Year 5 has been using bead strings and rekenreks to secure his number facts – he was really proud of his outcomes:

In Yinka Class, Rayan making and counting caterpillar legs, Ayra matching patterns, Eva’s symmetrical butterfly and Eva making snack plates and counting her cakes:

Year 2 have been problem solving and Finding All Possibilities. They worked together and used resources to find all possible solutions:

Year 1 have explored patterns using 3D shapes, secured their subitising skills within 10 and have been representing numbers within 10 using different resources, like cubes, counters and our ten-frames:

Year 1 have also explored numbers within 10 through comparison, composition and decomposition of numbers making connections to addition and subtraction. We know it is important for children to quickly recall all numbers for each number within 10:

Hibah has been practicing her quick recall of number facts with flash cards and recognising numbers as numerals, quantities and dot formations:

Prior is continuing to enjoy maths and here is a picture of him confidently completing number tracks:

EYFS learning environment encapsulates maths through continuous provision and sparks children’s curiosity and mathematical thinking. Children follow Number Sense fluency programme to help secure subitising skills and develop spatial reasoning through the activities designed by their teachers:

We have had an action packed half term of maths and we are looking forward to continuing our journey when we come back to school after the holiday.