Welcome to Hamilton and Shireen Class
I hope that you enjoy finding out what we are doing in our classes. This will be an area that will celebrate our learning and keep you up to date with the things that we are learning about.
Happy Learning!
Early Years Curriculum
The children develop through playing, exploring, active learning, creating, and thinking critically. There are 7 areas of learning which are divided into the:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development,
- Communication and Language,
- Physical Development
Specific areas
- Literacy,
- Maths,
- Understanding the World,
- Expressive Arts and Design
The prime areas are fundamental throughout the EYFS. The specific areas include the skills and knowledge which provide meaningful contexts for learning, and they develop more fully towards the end of the early years. The children carry out many practical experiences through which they are encouraged to explore and experiment.
The children use both the indoor and outdoor classroom during teacher-directed and child-initiated times. We love outdoor learning and come rain or shine, we explore and play outside in our outdoor environment.
To read more about our Curriculum in Reception, look at our EYFS medium-term planning
We use the EYFS statutory framework, and ‘Development Matters’ to guide our learning. Our EYFS Curriculum goals are what we would like the children to aspire to become and achieve by the end of their time with us. We provide a thorough and vast range of experiences that encourage child-initiated, purposeful learning to help inspire this.
Recent news
TTRockstars Weekly Winners
This week saw the TTRockstar Trophy remain firmly in the grasp of Year 3 Hepworth Class! Another stunning victory! Here are the top 3 players in the school for the last week - a huge well done and congratulations to all children who participated!
Problem Solving: Working Systematically
This week has seen a return to school, full of eager faces excited to see one another again and pick up our learning again after our half term break. This half term, our problem-solving strategy focus is Working Systematically. This means, when solving problems in...
Jungle Book at Lansbury Lawrence
Professional dancers, Matthew Sandiford and Jan Mika Villaneuva, came to Lansbury Lawrence today to perform to our whole school this afternoon. They had created a short montage from Jungle Book Reimagined, an Akram Khan performance that has been touring the world....
“Ip Dip Sky Blue! Who’s ‘It’? It’s You!” – A Math Mystery in Problem Solving
This week in our problem-solving lesson, we dived into a fun, math-filled journey using an old favourite playground rhyme: "Ip dip sky blue! Who's 'it'? It's you!" What We Explored: Children often use rhymes like this to decide who will be "it" in games, moving around...
Hamilton Class are creative learners: Art, History, Science and Maths.
Art: We enjoyed painting our portraits. We noticed our eyebrows and that our hair sat on top of our heads and whether it was long or short. Science: We have been learning all about the 5 senses. We went for a listening walk. We smelt lots of different things and we...
Testing our senses in Shireen class
This week in Shireen class as part of our STEM learning, we have been looking at our 5 senses. We have discovered lots through putting our senses to the test! First we went on a listening walk around the EYFS playground to test our hearing, we know that we hear and...