Outdoor learning
At Lansbury Lawrence, we are incredibly lucky to have extensive outdoor grounds. The main school building was designed with large accessible spaces on either side. We take huge pride in these areas, and over the years have landscaped them to maximise areas for play while also having natural areas to support habitats and maintain mature growth. Some of our trees were planted by royalty! We have a wide range of fruit trees, and our raspberry bushes are popular with the children when the fruit is ripe. Our ‘secret garden’ is home to chickens, and a small pond area too.
In 2018, we were awarded the Tower Hamlets in Bloom ‘Best Newcomer’ award, in recognition of our grounds. The following year, 2019, we went on to win the ‘Best Educational Establishment’ award.

Edible Playground
In 2018, the mayor of Tower Hamlets, John Biggs, officially opened our Edible Playground in one of our playgrounds. The Edible Playgound was designed and built by the charity ‘Trees for Cities’. We have a large area of raised beds, where we grow and harvest fruit and vegetables. Every child within the school has a timetabled half term to work with Joe, our school gardener, to learn about growing food through the seasons. We run family gardening sessions during school holidays, to continue the planting and harvesting cycle all year round. Have a look at the films we made with Trees for Cities below, for some planting top tips.
Eco Committee
Our Eco Committee is made up of children from across the school, who care about our environment. In 2019, they confidently spoke about how we have improved our energy usage, waste and biodiversity at Lansbury Lawrence, to an assessor as part of our Eco Schools progress. As a result of this, we were the first school in Tower Hamlets to receive the Eco Schools Green Flag Award. We are so incredibly proud of everyone at Lansbury Lawrence for all of their work making our environment a better place.

Forest School
We believe Forest School supports children to become healthy, resilient, creative and independent learners, while nurturing understanding and respect for our environment. Every child in the school has timetabled Forest School sessions. These sessions are currently led by Ms Boglietti, a trained Forest School practitioner. As part of our continued professional development programme for teachers, we have also trained Ms King (Early Years lead teacher) as a Forest School practitioner, as part of our on-going commitment to outdoor teaching and learning.
World Book Week Adventures: Taking SUPERWORM into Forest School!
World Book Week is always a magical time of year, a chance to celebrate the power of storytelling and imagination. This year, we brought the beloved tale of Superworm by Julia Donaldson to life in a very special way—by taking it into our Forest School! This engaging...
Hunting for minibeasts in the local woodlands
by the whole class On our trip we had fun exploring at the Soanes Centre. The Soanes Centre is a type of habitat called a woodland, and the word habitat means an environment that animals and plants call their home. We searched the woodlands for smaller habitats such...
Designing and Making a Bag for DT
For our DT project this term, year 5 are designing and making an eco friendly bag, in line with their learning theme which is Eco Warriors. They’ve been learning about some of the negative impacts that humans have on the environment, and some of the actions we can...
Adventures Await: Year 2 Takes a Dive into Beyond the Pond
What a fantastic beginning to the term! Last week, our Year 2s have been introduced to the charming book Beyond the Pond by Joseph Kuefler. To kick off the learning in a fun and engaging way, we set the scene by gathering around, feeling cosy, and taking a trip to the...
Discovering the Wonders of Nature with Year 2
This term, our Year 2 classes have been having an exciting time learning all about Living Things and their Habitats! They’ve been lucky enough to spend time in our wonderful Edible Garden, where they’ve been exploring the plants and animals with the help of Joe and Ms...
Year 5 Fire Lighting Adventure
This term, Year 5 learned how to start a fire using flint and steel — with a little help from cotton and Vaseline. Fire Safety First! Before we got to the exciting part, it was essential to review fire safety. We gathered in a safe, open area with ample space for each...
Year 2’s Fire Station Adventure: Where Learning Meets Excitement!
This morning, our Year 2 students had the exciting opportunity to visit our local fire station—and it was well worth the wait! The children were buzzing with excitement from the moment we arrived, and we could tell it was going to be a great morning full of fun and...
Edible Garden & Forest School with Kahlo Class.
Kahlo class have had an excellent start to Year 5. They have worked well and have settled into their new class and routines. Today, they had a Forest School and Edible Garden session. In Forest School, they worked as a team to develop their forestry skills. In the...
Celebrating a fantastic year in Year 2!
What an unforgettable year it has been in Year 2! Our amazing Year 2 children have shown incredible dedication and hard work throughout the year, making all of us so proud of their achievements. Watching their progress and growth has been heartwarming, and we are...
It’s mallet time!
In Forest School, Year 6 have been exploring different tools. This week we used mallets to make Tataki Zome; this is the Japanese art of pounding leaves and flowers to release their natural colours into cloth. The results were great, we loved how enthusiastic and...