Springing into Computing

Springing into Computing

This term, every year group has been delving deep into computing and growing their knowledge about how computers work, how to code & how to create interesting media content. Year 1: What’s a Beebot? Year 1 have been learning all about the floor robots this...
Online Safety Workshops for Years 1 – 6

Online Safety Workshops for Years 1 – 6

This spring, there will be workshops with parents/carers for each class, in Year 1 to Year 6. Parents/carers are invited to join their children’s class for an interactive lesson all about Online Safety. The workshops will take place with your child’s...

We are Exceptional Explorers

This week we have been working on being exceptional explorers and talking about the different seasons. Rainbow and Scorch were going on holiday and we had to help to sort their clothes to prepare for hot or cold weather. Just like preparing for winter or summer. We...
Online Safety Assembly with Google & ParentZone

Online Safety Assembly with Google & ParentZone

Today, Years 3 – 6 were excited to take part in our online safety assembly thanks to Google & Parentzone’s Be Internet Legends program. The children learn about key concepts in online safety through the Be Internet Legends curriculum and have all...