Welcome to Hamilton and Shireen Class
I hope that you enjoy finding out what we are doing in our classes. This will be an area that will celebrate our learning and keep you up to date with the things that we are learning about.
Happy Learning!
Early Years Curriculum
The children develop through playing, exploring, active learning, creating, and thinking critically. There are 7 areas of learning which are divided into the:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development,
- Communication and Language,
- Physical Development
Specific areas
- Literacy,
- Maths,
- Understanding the World,
- Expressive Arts and Design
The prime areas are fundamental throughout the EYFS. The specific areas include the skills and knowledge which provide meaningful contexts for learning, and they develop more fully towards the end of the early years. The children carry out many practical experiences through which they are encouraged to explore and experiment.
The children use both the indoor and outdoor classroom during teacher-directed and child-initiated times. We love outdoor learning and come rain or shine, we explore and play outside in our outdoor environment.
To read more about our Curriculum in Reception, look at our EYFS medium-term planning
We use the EYFS statutory framework, and ‘Development Matters’ to guide our learning. Our EYFS Curriculum goals are what we would like the children to aspire to become and achieve by the end of their time with us. We provide a thorough and vast range of experiences that encourage child-initiated, purposeful learning to help inspire this.
Recent news
Our Autumn 2 Highlights!
Autumn 2 has been a very busy successful term for Shireen class! The children have worked so hard and we have had so much fun learning together this term. Here are some of our highlights from this term... We are Wow writers! In literacy our learning this term has been...
This Week in Year 2’s Problem Solving Lesson: Exploring Squares!
This week in our problem-solving lesson, we had a fantastic time exploring squares. Our challenge was to find as many squares as we could within a larger square. It was a great way to think carefully and work strategically. Here’s what we got up to: The Challenge:...
Caring for our planet and local community!
Our topic learning last week was caring for our planet and we learned lots about how we can do this through recycling. We learned that lots of materials can be recycled and made into new products to reduce waste. We asked parents and adults in school to bring in lots...
We care about the planet and our local community!
Last week, our learning was all about caring for our planet. We learned about what materials can be recycled. In our provision, we have enjoyed making things from the plastic, cardboard, paper and foil items that the parents have contributed. It felt great to re-use...
World Philosophy Day
Held annually on the third Thursday of November, World Philosophy Day is a reminder of the potential that philosophy has to develop our capacity to think deeply, listen, respond, and to articulate complex thoughts and ideas. The focus this year was 'Philosophy for an...
Subitising fun in Shireen
Our maths learning this week has been all about subitising. Subitising is the ability to look at a set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them. The children have already learned how to subitise numbers 1-3. This week we have been...