by Neil Daley | Jan 27, 2024 | Goldsworthy class 2023/24, Kapoor class 2023/24, P4C, Parents
Our P4C discussion cycle came to a close this week. After exploring our initial responses to a stimulus, both year one classes chose to discuss the following question: If a person has power, should they try to help everybody? If someone gets hurt or gets into trouble,...
by Glen Lucille | Dec 22, 2023 | Art, English, Hamilton class 2023/24, Learning Theme, Parents, Physical Education, Religious Education
The children are using their fine motor skills to mark make. Marking making starts with drawings, scribbles and then using the letters of the alphabet and finally using their phonics to write words and their names. Gross Motor skills support fine motor skills The...
by m.ahmed | Nov 23, 2023 | Drama, English, Goldsworthy class 2023/24, Maths, Music, Parents
Welcome Lansbury Lawrence community! We have made it half way through this term and want to share little bits of our exciting learning with you! Maths workshop We started off the term with a workshop to learn about maths fluency and how this can be supported by our...
by Neil Daley | Oct 11, 2023 | Delaunay Class 2023/24, Parents, Reading, Tagore Class 2023/24
Yesterday, year 2 parents and carers enjoyed attending a workshop that shared information and tips for supporting their children with reading at home. The English lead and class teachers introduced everyone to the strategies that the school use to develop fluent...
by Kerri Sellens | Jul 11, 2023 | All Classes, Parents
The rain held off long enough for us to have a wonderful afternoon celebrating Eid in our annual Eid picnic. There were lots of happy faces, lots of delicious food, and lots of singing and dancing. Thanks to our special guest singer, Rana Khan, who was...
by Lansbury | Jun 23, 2023 | All Classes, Community, News, Newsletter, P4C, Parents
We are very proud to announce that we have been awarded the P4C SAPERE Gold Award! On Thursday, 8th June 2023, Lansbury Lawrence were assessed for the P4C SAPERE Gold Award. Alison Allsopp, our Gold award assessor, came in to talk to our children, parents, teachers...