We are very proud to announce that we have been awarded the P4C SAPERE Gold Award!
On Thursday, 8th June 2023, Lansbury Lawrence were assessed for the P4C SAPERE Gold Award. Alison Allsopp, our Gold award assessor, came in to talk to our children, parents, teachers and leadership team and observe P4C lessons too.
Here is what Alison had to say about her visit and assessment:

We are so pleased to be a P4C SAPERE Gold Award school and look forward to continuing to develop our P4C practice.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the children, parents and staff at Lansbury Lawrence for all of your efforts and contribution towards our P4C Going for Gold journey. We would also like to thank Lisa Naylor, our SAPERE trainer, who has supported us throughout this journey!

Well done Lansbury Lawrence!