Collecting firewood…

Collecting firewood…

This week in forest school, we spent a cold, drizzly afternoon…..collecting sticks! It might sound strange but we actually had a lot of fun searching for the right size and thickness in preparation for next week when we will be using them to make fire! It was...
Get digging.

Get digging.

Children from Hokusai Class had a great time yesterday in Forest School planting bulbs ready for spring. We noticed that they looked a lot like onions and could see that the shoot would grow out the top. Practising our safe tool use, we dug the holes carefully with...
Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter

A new group joined Forest School this week and fun exploring the areas and using their senses. We went on a sensory walk and heard tweeting birds, crunching leaves, felt smooth rocks and spikey twigs, we even found some cold, wet, slimy worms to hold! After that, we...