Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.

Socrates, 470-399 BC


Philosophy for Children, also referred to as P4C, is a subject that enables children to think with others and for themselves. Children learn and engage with four key skills in P4C which are: caring, collaborative, creative and critical. Within their P4C lessons, children explore big ideas that exist both in education and their day-to-day lives. Children also take part in dialogue and enquiry to help them to think, speak, listen and learn to live together more effectively. 

Philosophy for Children (P4C): Fostering Curiosity and Imagination in Year Two

Philosophy for Children (P4C): Fostering Curiosity and Imagination in Year Two

Philosophy for Children (P4C) is a subject that encourages young minds to think deeply, ask questions and explore the world around them through curiosity, imagination and reflection. At its core, P4C is about nurturing the ability to think critically and articulate...

P4C in Kahlo class

P4C in Kahlo class

Kahlo class have been making great efforts this term to make connections between their learning theme and using P4C. In lessons, they have been sharing thoughts, practising to express themselves clearly and discussing ideas. Autumn 2: Egyptians Autumn 2: Egyptians The...

World Philosophy Day

World Philosophy Day

Held annually on the third Thursday of November, World Philosophy Day is a reminder of the potential that philosophy has to develop our capacity to think deeply, listen, respond, and to articulate complex thoughts and ideas. The focus this year was 'Philosophy for an...

P4C Philosothon

P4C Philosothon

Some of our wonderful P4C ambassadors went to Manorfield Primary today to take part in P4C Philosothon with a few local schools. The children discussed ideas around what makes something a piece of art. They confidently shared their opinions and respected the ideas of...

Sharing our discussions

Sharing our discussions

Children have been taking their P4C questions home to continue our discussions. In class, the concepts the children make connections to are varied and interesting; recently, some of them have been friendship, choice, difference and power. The children are enjoying the...