by Abida Begum | Jan 17, 2024 | Hadid class 2023/24, Peggy Angus class 2023/24, Science
We love all things bright and electric! This term, year 6 classes have been learning about Electricity. So far, they have worked as mini scientists and conducted a fair test on the brightness of bulbs and the amount of voltages used to power them. Pupils made...
by Abida Begum | Jan 17, 2024 | Kahlo class 2023/24, Lichtenstein class 2023/24, Science
We love Materials at Lansbury Lawrence! In Science this term, year 5 classes are learning about Materials with a particular focus on testing Materials for their different properties, their response to magnetism, electricity or heat. So far, y5 have had an amazing time...
by Abida Begum | Jan 17, 2024 | Riley class 2023/24, Science, Van Gogh class 2023/24
This term in Science, year 4 are learning about Sound. So far, they have explored a variety of sound sources such as tuning forks, hangers on strings and some instruments such as recorders, shakers and tambourines. They learned that sound is produced because something...
by Abida Begum | Jan 17, 2024 | Hepworth class 2023/24, Hokusai class 2023/24, Science
This term in Science, year 3 classes are learning about their body- especially about their skeletons, their muscles and the importance of good nutrition to survive. So far they have learned about the importance of their skeletons and how it supports, protects and...
by Abida Begum | Jan 17, 2024 | Goldsworthy class 2023/24, Kapoor class 2023/24, Science
Hello everyone, for Science this term, year 1 classes have been learning about Materials. They have been focusing on distinguishing between different objects and the materials that they are made from. They went on a ‘material hunt’ around their classroom...
by Glen Lucille | Jan 11, 2024 | Hamilton class 2023/24, Science
Hamilton class are wrapped up and ready for Winter. They have thick warm coats, woolly hats and gloves. Every day we go into the garden to play and we make sure that we are zipped up. If we get too cold we go into the warm classroom. On our Winter walk it snowed a...