by m.ahmed | Mar 5, 2024 | Goldsworthy class 2023/24, Learning Theme, Outdoor Learning, Science
Goldsworthy class recently embarked on an exciting journey to the Crossrail Rooftop Garden as this term, we are learning all about plants and the edible garden! This hidden gem provided us with a unique chance to connect with nature in the heart of the city. To get...
by m.ahmed | Jan 31, 2024 | Goldsworthy class 2023/24, Maths
In Maths we have been learning to master numbers by counting in different ways. This has thoroughly helped us understand the relationship between various numbers, specifically in regards to their tens and ones. Adults at home can count with their children to...
by m.ahmed | Jan 14, 2024 | Exhibition, Goldsworthy class 2023/24, History
As we begin our topic for Spring term one, Toys: then and now, Goldsworthy class visited the Young V&A to explore toys through time. It was a fantastic and captivating experience to find out about what toys were played with in the past compared to now and we...
by m.ahmed | Dec 22, 2023 | Computing, English, Goldsworthy class 2023/24, History, Kapoor class 2023/24, Learning Theme, Outdoor Learning, P4C, Religious Education
As the autumn leaves fall, signalling the end of another term, it’s time to wrap up the chapter of learning that Goldsworthy and Kapoor have experienced in these past few months. Our topic this term was about Kings and Queens: are they real or only in...
by m.ahmed | Nov 23, 2023 | Drama, English, Goldsworthy class 2023/24, Maths, Music, Parents
Welcome Lansbury Lawrence community! We have made it half way through this term and want to share little bits of our exciting learning with you! Maths workshop We started off the term with a workshop to learn about maths fluency and how this can be supported by our...