Sound experiments!

Van Gogh Class were able to use an online sound-level metre to test out the level of sounds from a distance. They worked together as a class that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source. They all took roles of setting up, measuring, observing,...

Van Gogh’s musical day:

In Science, year 4 were observing the pattern between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it. We also had an amazing time singing with Rob!
Who Lives in the Secret Garden?

Who Lives in the Secret Garden?

This Spring term, the year 2 classes are learning all about Living Things in their Habitats. We are focusing particularly on our very own Secret Garden and the wonders inside it. Our learning question this term is Who Lives in the Secret Garden? The photos here show...
Investigating soil

Investigating soil

by Hepworth class This term we have been learning about all about rocks. We recently discovered that soil is made from rocks and organic matter. We used trowels to dig the soil from different locations in the school. The snow made it very cold but luckily we were...