Frère Jacques

At Lansbury Lawrence, children learn French from year 3. Before then, they are introduced to the language through songs and links within other subjects. Here’s Carle Class learning a French song at circle...
Summer One, Nursery Fun!

Summer One, Nursery Fun!

We have had a busy half term in Carle Class! It’s been a fantastic half term and I hope you all have a wonderful break. I look forward to seeing you for some more learning soon. Here are some of the activities that we have been up to… We have been doing...
Carle Class went on a Safari!

Carle Class went on a Safari!

Carle Class went on a Safari this afternoon. We used the headphones from Now Press Play to listen to a safari experience. We used our hands as binoculars as we listened carefully and thought about what we would see. We moved our bodies like the animals we imagined...