by Lansbury | May 27, 2022 | Exhibition, Kahlo Class 2021/22
We’ve been learning all about space and the solar system this term as well as lots of other learning such as databases in computing, Islam in RE and ‘timbre’ in music. We re-created the solar system in the playground We observed shadows over time to...
by Neil Daley | Apr 5, 2022 | Exhibition, Hokusai Class 2021/22
Our half term leading up to the Easter break has been filled with discovering ancient civilisations, taking a closer look at the additive relationship, delving into The Iron Man, raising money on Red Nose Day, describing ourselves in French, an Easter parade and a...
by Tim Harrington | Apr 1, 2022 | Exhibition, Geography, Hirst Class 2021/22, Maths, Music
Blog written by children in Hirst ClassThis term we have been learning about Rivers with a particular focus on What has changed and What has stayed the same about the River Thames? This was was our Geography focus for the half term and linked well to our local...
by Neil Daley | Oct 22, 2021 | Exhibition, Hokusai Class 2021/22, Learning Theme
It has been an exciting half term that has seen us vote in new class representatives to the school council, learn more about why our school is special, be inspired by Katsushika Hokusai’s artwork, explore the Festival of Britain and Black History Month, enjoy a...
by Lansbury | Oct 21, 2021 | Exhibition, Kahlo Class 2021/22
This term, Kahlo Class have enjoyed learning all about our local area. We have explored lots to do with The London Docklands and Canary Wharf, which we can see from our classroom window! In art, Ms Sellens taught us about perspective and we used in paper to mono-print...
by Neil Daley | May 28, 2021 | Edible Garden, Exhibition, History, Hokusai Class 2020/21, Learning Theme, Maths, Outdoor Learning, Science
Hokusai enjoyed a full half term back in school by embracing their new topics and engaging with their learning both inside the classroom and outdoors. Students learnt about the rise and fall of the Roman empire as they explored the questions, “Who were the...