Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. National Curriculum for Art & Design, purpose of study
Here is a short film we made for ArtUK about the sculpture, Draped Seated Woman (Old Flo) by Henry Moore. The sculpture is particularly important to our community within Tower Hamlets.
Hamilton Class are creative learners: Art, History, Science and Maths.
Art: We enjoyed painting our portraits. We noticed our eyebrows and that our hair sat on top of our heads and whether it was long or short. Science: We have been learning all about the 5 senses. We went for a listening walk. We smelt lots of different things and we...
Brown Bear Brown Bear What do You See?
This term we have been reading the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear. We now know all the colours of the rainbow and can make the different sounds that the characters make in the story. We then mixed paint together to make brown, we know that red, yellow and blue make...
Year 5 climate art
In art, Year 5 have been learning about some of the causes of climate change and discussing ways we could help make our planet a better place to live. Maybe we could buy less clothes to ease transport issues and landfill. Maybe we could eat less beef so that less cows...
Making marks to music in year 1
Year 1 listened to classical music and made marks in response. Big marks, small marks, loud marks, quiet marks. Then colour was added, using watercolour paints. Have a look at our gallery below:
Welcome to the Art Studio, year 1!
Year 1 had their first art lesson of the year this week, and now they are in KS1 they have their lessons in the school's art studio. It was very exciting to go upstairs and see the studio for the first time. It was very exciting to sit at the desks and create...
Who was Barbara Hepworth?
https://youtu.be/NXu4yzSy-rU We are now in Year 3 Hepworth Class. Our class is named after a very famous British artist named Barbara Hepworth. Sculptures inspired by our class artist, Barbara Hepworth
It’s mallet time!
In Forest School, Year 6 have been exploring different tools. This week we used mallets to make Tataki Zome; this is the Japanese art of pounding leaves and flowers to release their natural colours into cloth. The results were great, we loved how enthusiastic and...
Art Award Winner
We're thrilled to announce that Mrs Sellens has been awarded the Big Landscape Award for Innovative Curriculum Design in 2024's National Society for Education in Art and Design Awards! The NSEAD Awards recognise art educators who champion art, push boundaries and...
Drawing with Scissors
Henri Matisse described his cut-out art creations as 'drawing with scissors'. Year 1 had lots of fun exploring this technique, and the practical skill of collage, in their art lesson this week. We didn't use a pen, pencil, or paintbrush, instead a pair of scissors was...
Young Artists’ Summer Show 2024
Congratulations to Aliu in Year 6, whose brilliant portrait of Zaha Hadid has been selected for the Royal Academy Young Artists' Summer Show. He was very happy and proud to be selected, and it was well deserved as not only did he work hard during his art lesson, but...