Year 1: Kapoor Class
In Year 1 children have the opportunity to write in many different formats, they have guided reading and phonics lessons daily, visit the school library to get a book to take home as well as consolidating and progressing their learning in maths through number, shape, data handling and problem solving.
Reading books go home every afternoon and are brought to school every morning. We encourage the children to read their phonics book every night. To support maths you could help them to count to 20, 50 and 100 forwards and backwards.
- P.E. lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Please return books every morning in book bags.
Maths Week in Yinka Class
Yinka Class have been exploring the number three.
Our Field Trip to Chrisp Street Market!
This term Goldsworthy and Kapoor class have been learning about their local area. We visited our local market which had a variety of stalls including, clothing, kitchenware and fruits. During our walk, we used our senses to discuss what we saw, smelt and heard. Our...
Autumn 1 Maths at Lansbury Lawrence
This half term, children have been exploring Place Value and Additive Reasoning. Alongside our main lessons, children have also continued to engage in our Number Sense fluency programme and Problem Solving Activities. Here are some of the highlights: Year 6 Maths Club...
Year 1 Science
Hello Lansbury Lawrence Community! This is an update on what our Year 1 classes have been getting up to in their Science learning so far. Their topic is on Animals Including Humans where they will be learning about the human body and the 5 senses. in the last two...
What Have Year 1 Been Up To?
Kapoor Class and Goldsworthy Class have been working collaboratively, creatively and critically in all areas of their learning. Here we are bringing the story of 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' to life, through colourful puppets, tiger masks and writing invitations to our...