Year 3 children have used their maths fluency sessions to consolidate their learning and knowledge of all addition and subtraction facts within 20. At Lansbury Lawrence, we teach explicit strategies to support all our children to think flexibly about maths and draw upon a range of strategies to help children solve unfamiliar problems and calculations.

This all starts in our Early Years, where children begin to recognise different dot formations through subitising to 5 and then recognising parts within arrangements of 10. Children begin to develop strategies through noticing without the need to count such as ten-frame arrangements which leads to addition and subtraction facts. By the end of Year 2 all children are expected to know all number facts within 20 to automaticity.

The video clip below demonstrates the impact of our learning in Autumn Year 3, where the children are drawing upon a range of strategies to answer addition and subtraction facts without the need to count. Listen out for ‘make ten and then’, ‘doubles’, ‘halves’ ‘near doubles’ and ‘I just know it!’ strategies.

Year 3 have been applying these skills with column addition and subtraction which has supported their understanding of regrouping and exchange.
Sam said; “I have enjoyed using my knowledge of number facts within 20 to help me when calculating with multiples of 10 and using the strategy Make the next 10 and then.”