Lansbury Lawrence was built as part of the Festival of Britain. Enjoy the children’s award-winning film to find out more…
Community Notice Board
- Parent Newsletter is now published on the Weduc app and website. Please speak to the office if you still need support to download it.
- We are the first school in Tower Hamlets to have been awarded the very prestigious Platinum ArtsMark! Read more about it here.
- We were awarded Silver in the Pearson Primary School of the Year, Making a Difference, Award. Read more about it here.
- Parent Coffee Mornings are on Fridays at 9:00 am in the Community Room. We hope to see you there!
Latest News and Learning
Photography in Year Two
By Delaunay and Tagore We have been doing computing. Last week, we learnt about images, and the keywords we remembered in today's photography lesson are portrait, landscape, device, and permission. Our portrait photos: Portrait is vertical. It helps us see the top...
We care about the planet and our local community!
Last week, our learning was all about caring for our planet. We learned about what materials can be recycled. In our provision, we have enjoyed making things from the plastic, cardboard, paper and foil items that the parents have contributed. It felt great to re-use...
Y5’s Visit to the Young V&A Museum
Today, Y5 visited the Young V&A museum in Bethnal Green which has had a huge design renovation! They took part in a Design & Technology workshop in which they used Lego to create different 'people powered' transports! It was so much fun! They first planned...
The award goes to …
We are thrilled to announce that our Year 4 classes have won the Young City Makers Award in the most imaginative category, for our model "The City of Dreamers". This incredible prize recognizes the children's enthusiasm and creativity to shape the environment for the...
Kahlo Class have superpowers…
In art, Kahlo Class took time to look closely at the painting, The Tailor by Lubaina Himid. What can we see if we look really closely? What can we learn? We learned new vocabulary connected to portrait work, including the 'sitter', the person who is the focus of the...
Warm Bread, Warm Hearts: Year 2’s Baking Experience
This week, Year 2 have been busy baking bread! After lunch, the children had the lovely experience of sitting together on the carpet to enjoy their freshly baked bread, still warm from the oven. As they shared this special treat with their friends, they listened to a...