Without music, life would be a mistake.
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon. National Curriculum for Music, purpose of study
At Lansbury Lawrence, we follow the Sing Up Music curriculum progression
We’ve been shortlisted for two awards!
We are very proud, and still slightly in shock, to announce that we have been shortlisted for two prestigious national awards. The first award is the Pearson National Teaching Awards - for Making a Difference - Primary School of the Year, in recognition of the...
Young Voices 2023
On Wednesday evening, our Year 4 choir had an incredible time at Young Voices 2023 - the concert of the largest children's choir in the world! Here are a few quotes plus some videos for you to enjoy. Quotes: I enjoyed how the dancers were moving and how it was like a...
Music with Aga
We enjoy our music lessons at Lansbury Lawrence, and we are lucky enough to be supported by music workshops lead by Aga Serugo Lugo. He joined year 3 last week to help us build on our knowledge of beat, pulse and rhythm in sessions where the students created their own...
A new student for our new topic
by Emad and Radeyah This term, we our learning about what makes the human body work so effectively. We have a new member of the class who is a model skeleton that we called Skelly, and he will help us learn more about our bones. We did research last week, and one of...
Clap the rhythm
We were learning about rhythm in music today. Rhythm is a pattern of long and short sounds. We learnt to clap 2 different songs with different rhythms. Here was our favourite: "Engine Engine Number Nine" https://youtu.be/eVCYjgtjXDQ
Merry Christmas from Lansbury Lawrence
This week, we have had amazing performances across the whole school. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came in to watch them. Here's a selection from each year group for you all to enjoy. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and we will see you again...
Drum Tambor
Kahlo Class have been learning how to maintain the pulse using the voice and body, in music. Here they are performing a song from Brazil, Drum Tambor, using body percussion.
Year 4 trip to the Royal Academy of Music
On Tuesday, year 4 went on a trip to the Royal Academy of Music for our Architecture in Schools Project. We talked to real-life architects and got to explore all through the theatre, sit up on the balcony and even go up onto the stage! Here are some of the things we...
Surprise Music Time with Aga… Reception Children go ‘bungalow’ crazy!
In Reception, we were very lucky to have a music visitor, Aga . We learnt how to make scores with our names and how to write a score. We enjoyed singing together and doing some moves. Our name scores.... This is Hamilton Class singing 'Bungalow' and adding in their...
Year 4’s got the rhythm, yes we do!
Today we took part in a music workshop! Look how much fun we're having!