On Wednesday evening, our Year 4 choir had an incredible time at Young Voices 2023 – the concert of the largest children’s choir in the world! Here are a few quotes plus some videos for you to enjoy.


I enjoyed how the dancers were moving and how it was like a whole school singing. I also like how they did the griddy and sturdy. I like how the wonderful parents joined in with us. Everyone had the best time ever. It also looked like a basketball stadium. – Zaid

I enjoyed going to Young Voices because when I got there I got to enjoy singing all the songs I learnt. And when the concert began it was extra exciting because all the lights turned off and then they changed to all different colours. I also enjoyed it because at the end everybody sand so loud and it was very Lynn. – Uthman

What I liked about Young Voices is when I can see popular people that have performed with celebrities like Justin Bieber. I enjoyed singing my heart out and having lots of fun. I got really nervous and excited before we got there but now I am brave and I want to go next year. – Muhsina

I enjoyed singing and the lights and they were very cool. Our favourite song was proud and watching the urban strides. We had fun singing from your heart. It was such a cool time in the arena. – Shazia