by Lansbury | Oct 17, 2022 | All Classes, Computing, Digital Leaders
The new digital leaders for Years 3 – 6 have been selected and they are: Y3 Hepworth Class: Hamza Y3 Hokusai Class: Maisha Y4 Riley: Alexia Y4 Van Gogh: Trae Y5 Kahlo: Rihat Y5 Lichtenstein: Umaynah Y6 Hadid: Nuba Y6 Peggy Angus: Michael James They will soon be...
by Lansbury | Oct 6, 2022 | Computing, Online Safety, Parents
Next Friday, there will be a drop-in workshop for parents and carers to help with internet safety settings on devices. Please come to the Community Room at 9am on Friday 14th October and bring your child’s devices: phone, tablet or laptop. We can set controls on...
by Lansbury | Sep 30, 2022 | Computing, Digital Leaders, Hepworth class 2022/23
In computing we are learning all about digital devices. Hepworth class went on a very exciting tour around the school and into classrooms looking for digital devices. “a wireless access point” – Aaryan “lots of cables” –...
by Lansbury | Jul 1, 2022 | Computing, Parents
This week, we hosted a workshop for parents in the community room which was well attended – many thanks to all adults for coming and giving your time. Selda Ziya, our computing specialist who works with Tower Hamlets Local Authority, visited the school to speak...
by Lansbury | May 24, 2022 | Computing, Delaunay Class 2021/22, Music, Tagore Class 2021/22
In Year 2, we started our computing unit on Creating Music by listening to some compositions and describing how they make us feel. The music was written by Gustav Holst – he wrote a piece of music about each planet in our solar system. Listen to the pieces for...
by Tim Harrington | Apr 22, 2022 | Community, Computing, Hirst Class 2021/22, Newsletter, O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
This afternoon, Year 6 worked with Year 1 children to help them complete a Pupil Survey online. This provided an excellent opportunity for children to get to know one another and find out about their experiences and feelings towards school. Hirst Class really enjoyed...