by Zayed and Amelia

Last week, Shafaat and Umaira found out that they were part of the school’s maths leaders. Shafaat was amazed because he said he always wanted to help with maths, and Umaira felt excited.

In our computing lessons, we started making animations using a flip book and this helped us understand how to create one on a digital app. We used the ipads and a program called iMotions to take pictures of the drawings on our whiteboards and make them move on the screen. That was fun, and our discussions about what different people believe about God was interesting too. We looked at prayers and poems, and I said that there are many names for God. We recorded our reflections by making a recording of our voice.

PE was great too because we played cricket using our feet and a football.

P4C – Mr Daley

The start of year 3 has also given the children the opportunity to think about what it means to be a friend and to have a friend. Our P4C lessons have been a great way for us to look closely at the topic and to practise the 4C’s: Caring, being Critical, Collaborating and Creating. The contrast was highlighted when we discussed what we are looking forward to the most for the rest of the year.