About us:
We have our own designated site for our Nursery children, providing an exciting area for them to settle and develop during their early stages of life. The classroom is equipped with a range of activities that provides a multi-sensory environment to give them the best start in life.
Early Years Curriculum
The children develop through playing, exploring, active learning, creating, and thinking critically. There are 7 areas of learning which are divided into the:
Prime Areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development,
- Communication and Language,
- Physical Development and
Specific areas:
- Literacy,
- Maths,
- Understanding the World,
- Expressive Arts and Design.
The prime areas are fundamental throughout the EYFS, and the specific areas include the skills and knowledge which provide important contexts for learning, and they develop more fully towards the end of the early years. The children carry out many practical experiences through which they are encouraged to explore and experiment.
The children use both the indoor and outdoor classroom during teacher-directed and child-initiated times. We love outdoor learning and come rain or shine, we explore and play outside in our outdoor environment.
To learn more about our Curriculum in the Nursery, have a look at our Nursery Overview.
We use the EYFS statutory framework and ‘Development Matters’ to guide our learning. Our EYFS Curriculum goals are what we would like the children to aspire to become and achieve by the end of their time with us. We provide a thorough and vast range of experiences that actively encourage child-initiated, purposeful learning to help inspire this.
Starting Nursery
Starting nursery is a big step for most children. That’s why we think settling-in is really important. The time you spend helping your child to settle in will really benefit them in the long run – it will mean your child will be happier, more confident, and learn better and enjoy nursery more.
We start children slowly, so they can get lots of support and attention. We do not want them to have a bad first experience of school. Different children will settle in at different rates.
The absolute minimum amount of time you need to stay and help to settle your child will be 3 sessions. Most children need more than this – some a lot more.
During the home visit and the nursery meeting, we will ask you some questions about your child and their health and development. This information will help us to settle your child in, and help us to make sure we meet your child’s needs in nursery.
Click on the booklet on the right to read more about what we offer. ————————————————————————————–>
Welcome to Carle Class Bakery!
Last week we have received, the ingredients to bake some bread! We helped to pour the flour, tipped in water, mixed the dough, watched it raise, kneaded the dough and put it in the oven. The most important part was when we got to taste the bread! It was delicious and...
The Little Red Hen
For this spring term, Carle class have been reading the book, The Little Red Hen! We read the story in different ways allowing the children to get involved. We read it during carpet time with our listening ears on, and then we had the chance to get actively involved....
Chinese New Year!
We have doing lots of fun activities while learning about Chinese New Year. We made Chinese Lanterns, Used black paint to write some Chinese Calligraphy numbers, Created a paper mache Chinese dragon to do some Chinese dancing and we got to try some fortune cookies and...
Maths Leaders 2024-2025
Lansbury Lawrence are proud to announce our new Maths Leaders for this academic year. Children needed to apply for their positions and we thrilled to be selected to represent maths and develop their pupil leadership skills. Look out for a range of events children will...
TTRS Weekly Winners
Our first winners of 2025 have been announced this week. Year 4 Riley Class achieved class of the week with the highest amount of correct answers! See below for our top 3 children who not only achieved the most correct answers, but were also the fastest. Well done.
Mud Painting with Carle Class
We have been working on being 'Independent Individuals' and putting our coats on independently and using the the coat flip trick. Then asking an adult or friend for help if needed for the zip. Once we independently put on our jackets, we lined up and went into the mud...