Year 5: Kahlo Class
Frida Kahlo de Rivera was a Mexican painter who is best known for her self-portraits.
Mexican culture and Amerindian cultural tradition are important in her work, which has been sometimes characterized as naïve art or folk art.
In Year 5 children have the opportunity to write in many different formats, have guided reading daily, visit the school library to get a book to take home as well as consolidating and progressing their learning in maths through number, shape, data handling and problem solving.
Reading books go home every afternoon and are brought to school every morning. We encourage the children to read every night. To support maths you could help them practice their mental maths and times tables (including for division facts).
Homework is given out once a week on a Thursday or Friday and will be due in the following Tuesday. If children are finding it difficult, discuss homework club with the teacher.
- P.E. lessons are on Mondays and swimming lessons are on Fridays.
- Please return books every morning in book bags.
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