Welcome to Lansbury Lawrence

A happy, creative, and inclusive school in the heart of Poplar, Tower Hamlets, providing an outstanding education for all.

Welcome to Lansbury Lawrence

A happy, creative, and inclusive school in the heart of Poplar, Tower Hamlets, providing an outstanding education for all.

Welcome to Lansbury Lawrence

A happy, creative, and inclusive school in the heart of Poplar, Tower Hamlets, providing an outstanding education for all.

Lansbury Lawrence was built as part of the Festival of Britain. Enjoy the children’s award-winning film to find out more…

Community Notice Board

    • Parent Newsletter is now published on the  Weduc app and website. Please speak to the office if you still need support to download it.
    • We are the first school in Tower Hamlets to have been awarded the very prestigious Platinum ArtsMark! Read more about it here.
    • We were awarded Silver in the Pearson Primary School of the Year, Making a Difference, Award. Read more about it here.
    • Parent Coffee Mornings are on Fridays at 9:00 am in the Community Room. We hope to see you there!

Latest News and Learning

Wheels & Wings in Yinka

Wheels & Wings in Yinka

This half term our topic has been wheels and wings. In literacy we have been reading stories about transport. We used our senses as we listened to and engaged with the story 'On the Journey Home from Grandpa's'. 'The car drives down the bouncy bumpy road' 'The train...

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Reading in Year 3

Reading in Year 3

In Whole Class Reading, we read the The Worries by Jion Sheibani. We had lots of fun practising reading and performing a piece of text and considered different voices, volumes, adding actions and sound effects alongside our fluency phrasing in our fluency focused...

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People who help us!

People who help us!

We are enjoying learning about the different jobs people do. In our class, we have had many role play scenarios; Chinese Restaurant, Vets, Dentist, Doctors and Cafe. This week the children voted for an Ice Cream shop, where they can all take turn to be the helpful...

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