Lansbury Lawrence was built as part of the Festival of Britain. Enjoy the children’s award-winning film to find out more…
Community Notice Board
- Parent Newsletter is now published on the Weduc app and website. Please speak to the office if you still need support to download it.
- We are the first school in Tower Hamlets to have been awarded the very prestigious Platinum ArtsMark! Read more about it here.
- We were awarded Silver in the Pearson Primary School of the Year, Making a Difference, Award. Read more about it here.
- Parent Coffee Mornings are on Fridays at 9:00 am in the Community Room. We hope to see you there!
Latest News and Learning
Learning Dispositions in Yinka Class: A case study
Learning dispositions are habits of learning that we foster and encourage in students to help them grow and develop as learners. These habits are embodied in different students in different ways all across the school, but are particularly varied in their presentation...
Making Spirals
This week in our Bow Arts session with Katka we were creating spirals with pastels on a large scale. We were focusing on working collaboratively. Our spirals could overlap with someone else’s and then we could colour in the gaps. Some of us decided to try and mix two...
Problem Solving in Year 4: Finding all Possibilities
This week Year 4 were developing their problem solving skills with a focus on 'finding all possibilities'. Children were presented with a problem involving money and used plastic coins and jottings to find as many different combinations as possible. After children had...
Mountains and volcanoes
This half term, we are learning about Mountains and Volcanoes. Enjoy watching the children talk about their learning. Mountains of the UK. Mountains of the world. Volcanoes of the world. Did you know there are no active...
This week’s blog
by Nahid I am writing the blog for Delaunay class this week. We had fun, and we learnt in our lessons. In science, we learnt about the four basic needs of an animal. They are air, water food and shelter. We used dance to show them to each other, and we wrote...
Another wonderful week in Year 2!
This week in English we have been planning our innovative story. We planned the story and we became story tellers. We shared our stories with everyone making sure to use sequencing language, conjuctions, adjectives and adverbs. We made sure we used our loud, proud...