by Emma King | Dec 22, 2023 | Geography, History, RE, Science, Shireen class 2023/24, Understanding the World
This half term we have been doing lots of fantastic learning. Our topics have included Bonfire Night, Diwali, Autumn, Recycling, Looking after our teeth and Christmas. Our Understanding the World/History this half term was Bonfire Night and Remembrance. We learnt all...
by Glen Lucille | Nov 30, 2023 | Hamilton class 2023/24, Science
Teeth are very important without them you would not be able to chew your food. We need to look after our teeth so this week we have been learning all about how to look after our teeth, what is healthy and unhealthy food to eat. We even made our own dentist surgery....
by Sam Norman | Oct 20, 2023 | Art, Computing, French, Geography, Hadid class 2023/24, History, Music, P4C, Physical Education, Science
This term, in history, I have learnt about Poplar Rates Rebellion and how it started.In 1921 the government was greedy at that time and the rents were the same as everyone and the wealthy didn’t want to have the same rents as the poor so the government said that...
by Emma King | Oct 20, 2023 | Art, Geography, History, Science, Shireen class 2023/24
This half term, we have been so busy with our wider curriculum learning. We have been learning about our community and and other connections we have in the world, how we have changed since being a baby, painted our self portraits and learnt about our senses....
by Abbe Uter | Oct 20, 2023 | Art, Carle Class, Design Technology, Maths, Science
This term we have been exploring many different autumn resources! We went on a walk around the playground and we collected lots of different leaves. Then we spoke about the different, shapes, sizes and colours of the leaves. Once they were collected and in the...
by Abida Begum | Oct 11, 2023 | Riley class 2023/24, Science, Van Gogh class 2023/24
Year 4 classes have been enjoying learning about electricity in Science. This week, they explored insulators and conductors of electricity. First, they had to make a simple electrical circuit with a bulb that successfully lit up. After that, like a true scientist,...