by Giulia Boglietti | Oct 20, 2023 | Forest School, Kahlo class 2023/24, Lichtenstein class 2023/24
This half term in Forest School, we have spent time exploring our outdoor area and appreciating how lucky we are to have this space. Den building has been one of our favourite activities, and we have worked in teams to build some brilliant shelters, which we have then...
by Tim Harrington | Oct 20, 2023 | After School Club, Carle Class, clubs, Delaunay Class 2023/24, Goldsworthy class 2023/24, Hadid class 2023/24, Hamilton class 2023/24, Hepworth class 2023/24, Hokusai class 2023/24, Kahlo class 2023/24, Kapoor class 2023/24, Lichtenstein class 2023/24, Maths, Peggy Angus class 2023/24, Riley class 2023/24, Shireen class 2023/24, Tagore Class 2023/24, Van Gogh class 2023/24, Yinka class 2023/24
This half term, children have been exploring Place Value and Additive Reasoning. Alongside our main lessons, children have also continued to engage in our Number Sense fluency programme and Problem Solving Activities. Here are some of the highlights: Year 6 Maths Club...
by Abida Begum | Oct 11, 2023 | Kahlo class 2023/24, Lichtenstein class 2023/24, Science
As we approach the end of this half term, here is a short summary on what Kahlo class and Litchenstein Class have been learning in Science. Their topic has been on Living things, with a focus on the lifecycle of different living things such as humans, animals and...