by Neil Daley | Feb 12, 2021 | Exhibition, Hokusai Class 2020/21, Science
Hokusai have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the human body this half term and answering the question: “How do our bodies work so effectively?” The learning culminated in independent projects where the children created models, posters, videos and...
by Abida Begum | Feb 12, 2021 | Delaunay Class 2020/21, Exhibition
Delaunay Class have worked really hard this term and have produced some fantastic work. We have adapted to online learning really quickly and have learnt to use online workspaces such as jam board, google docs, and google meets (video calls). English In English we...
by Lansbury | Feb 12, 2021 | Exhibition, Hamilton class 2021/22, Parents
A Big well done to all the children of Hamilton Class from Mr Mills. Umaymah is logged on and working on her phonics. Iqra has made a jam sandwich and then ordered the steps as part of a maths activity. Md Aaron has been working really hard everyday in the keyworker...
by Lansbury | Feb 12, 2021 | Exhibition, Riley Class 2020/21
In Riley class we have been super motivated to keep learning during this lockdown. We have had lots of fun during our live calls and have kept smiling. A message from Riley Class teachers In Maths we have been practising dividing 2 digits by 1 digit, which has been a...
by Esme Hopkins | Feb 12, 2021 | Exhibition, Kapoor Class 2020/21
It might have been an unusual half term for all of us in Kapoor Class but I just want to take a moment to tell everyone just how proud I am. We may not have been together but everyone has worked so hard in all of their learning and have brought a smile to my face...
by Abbe Uter | Feb 12, 2021 | Exhibition, Shireen Class 2020/21
All children and families have been superhero’s, sending pictures and videos of their home learning! Thanks so much for speaking on the telephone to myself and Miss Bailey, you have made us smile showing us and telling us about your things at home. We have been...