William Morris

William Morris

Did you know William Morris was born in Walthamstow, East London? Year 4 have been learning about the artist and designer this half term. He had a love of nature, and this was reflected in his beautiful pattern work. He became very famous for his wallpaper patterns...
The rainforest vs a city

The rainforest vs a city

As part of our “Rainforests” topic we have looked at the geographical differences and similarities between the Amazon Rainforest and our local area, Poplar. After learning some interesting facts about a native Amazonian tribe, the children have cretated...
Maths Leaders 2023-24

Maths Leaders 2023-24

This afternoon, Lansbury Lawrence Maths Leaders discussed ideas and projects we could launch ourselves into for the new year. With already Maths Week and the start of Maths Masterclasses at Langdon Park, children were eager to plan for future events and activities....