This half term was our turn to take part in a series of Forest school sessions.
One of the highlights of the autumn is that you can find lots of different coloured leaves. Depending on which chemicals are found in the leaf, they can turn different shades of yellow or orange or even red. We used them to make ‘nature’s headdresses’. Did you know that a simple adornment such a crown of autumn leaves has the power to transform its wearer into a noble monarch, a woodland fairy or some other magical character?
Learning Disposition: imagination

We built shelters for small figures and sang a song or two. This activity was our favourite because we could be creative and there was no right or wrong. Adam & Liam
We played a game called ‘Flip the Tarp’. We had to stand on the tarp and flip the tarp over without anyone stepping off of it. If you stepped on the ground you had to leave the game. We noticed that it was more challenging when lots of children were on the tarp, it got easier and easier with less participants. Maidah and Yusra
Learning Disposition: resilience
What I liked the most in Forest School was searching for minibeasts. I like to dig and discover what is under our feet. We found lots of earthworms of different sizes and a tiny slug. Zaynab
Did you know that worms are essential for the well-being of plants? Their tunnels allow water to reach the roots, and the process of the worm-eating soil releases nutrients needed by the plants. Worms are also a source of food for other animals.
Learning Disposition: curiosity