Make new friends, but keep the old!

Goldsworthy class have been talking about friendships during their Philosophy 4 Children (P4C) lessons. Today they learnt a song called ‘Make New Friends but Keep the Old’ and talked about the importance of friendship. “Making friends is good because...

Riley Class go Online

With our school having moved to online learning in light of the recent school closures, students in Riley Class have already embraced Google Classrooms and have started to explore the online resources that the school has provided to them. Learning packs were also sent...

“What is Peppa Pig?”

This week in P4C, we watched a video stimulus inspired by Chinese New Year titled ‘What is Peppa Pig?”. In the video, a kind grandfather goes to great lengths to make a gift for his grandson who loves Peppa Pig. But as he is old, he has never heard of...

The art of P4C

Hepoworth class had a really interesting discussion in P4C today about art. First, we looked at some pictures of ‘Flotsam sculptures’, statues that were made from objects washed up by the sea. We decided that the two ‘big ideas’ the pictures...
The Magic of P4C

The Magic of P4C

This week, Peggy Angus class pondered the idea of everyone having a magic wand. The pupils decided whether it was a good thing or a bad thing and we were split fairly evenly. In the end the majority thought it was a bad thing due to the chaos and evil that it would...