by Kerri Sellens | Nov 10, 2023 | Art, Arts Council, Dance, Hadid class 2023/24, Hepworth class 2023/24, Hokusai class 2023/24, Kahlo class 2023/24, Lichtenstein class 2023/24, Music, Peggy Angus class 2023/24, Riley class 2023/24, Van Gogh class 2023/24
Each year, children get to choose from a wide range of pupil leadership positions at Lansbury Lawrence. The Arts Council is the longest running, and always has a record number of applicants. It is incredibly hard to choose who is successful, but I am very pleased to...
by Kerri Sellens | Sep 25, 2023 | Music, Peggy Angus class 2023/24
Congratulations to Aisha, who has been awarded her Grade 1 Music Award, with Merit, for playing the violin. Aisha is continuing her award lessons this year, alongside other students at Lansbury Lawrence, and we look forward to following all of their progress. Here is...
by Fazana Ahmed | Sep 21, 2023 | Music, Peggy Angus class 2023/24
Hello there! Peggy Angus has had a wonderful week of learning, especially in our music lesson this week. We learnt a new song called “Throw and Catch!” Learning the “Throw and Catch” song was not just about singing and playing; it was about...
by Kerri Sellens | Jun 27, 2023 | Art, Dance, Drama, Music
We were shortlisted for a TES Award for the second time in two years, for our commitment to the arts at Lansbury Lawrence. We didn’t receive the trophy, but we were honoured to fly the flag for Tower Hamlets, the creative arts, and sit alongside our secondary...
by Kerri Sellens | Apr 28, 2023 | Art, Community, Dance, Drama, Music, Parents
We are very proud, and still slightly in shock, to announce that we have been shortlisted for two prestigious national awards. The first award is the Pearson National Teaching Awards – for Making a Difference – Primary School of the Year, in recognition of...
by Sam Norman | Jan 20, 2023 | Music, Riley Class 2022/23, Van Gogh Class 2022/23
On Wednesday evening, our Year 4 choir had an incredible time at Young Voices 2023 – the concert of the largest children’s choir in the world! Here are a few quotes plus some videos for you to enjoy. Quotes: I enjoyed how the dancers were moving and how it...