People who help us!

People who help us!

We are enjoying learning about the different jobs people do. In our class, we have had many role play scenarios; Chinese Restaurant, Vets, Dentist, Doctors and Cafe. This week the children voted for an Ice Cream shop, where they can all take turn to be the helpful...
Trip to the Fire Station

Trip to the Fire Station

On Tuesday afternoon we took a trip down to our local fire station on East India Dock Road as part of our learning about ‘People who help us’. The firefighters told us all about how they help the community, from putting out fires to helping people stuck in...

A bridge over the River Thames

Children in Peggy Angus class had fun building their bridges for their DT morning. They planned, designed and made their structures. They had to create a stable and strong structure to take weight on it. Most children achieved success. They reflected on changes they...