Online Safety Workshops for Years 1 – 6

Online Safety Workshops for Years 1 – 6

This spring, there will be workshops with parents/carers for each class, in Year 1 to Year 6. Parents/carers are invited to join their children’s class for an interactive lesson all about Online Safety. The workshops will take place with your child’s...

Clap the rhythm

We were learning about rhythm in music today. Rhythm is a pattern of long and short sounds. We learnt to clap 2 different songs with different rhythms. Here was our favourite: “Engine Engine Number...

The Selfish Giant

We have been reading a new story this week in year 5: The Selfish Giant! In the story, some children are enjoying a beautiful garden, when the giant comes home and spoils their fun. He does not want to share his garden so he banishes them, builds a wall and puts up a...
Kahlo Class Party

Kahlo Class Party

Kahlo Class had a wonderful time at their end of term party today. We danced, sang, ate snacks, played games and had lots of fun together! Just dance! Everyone joining in with Just Dance Taking a break from all the dancing ! The children requested to sing their Young...