by Lansbury | Dec 18, 2019 | Drama, Hirst Class 2019/20, Kahlo Class 2019/20, Lichtenstein Class 2019/20, Music, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, Riley Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
The Snow Queen was the fantastic production performed by years 4,5 & 6.The play was written by Year 6 and performed by children from year 5 with each year performing their own song connected with the narrative. The confidence and vocal projection was outstanding...
by Lansbury | Nov 29, 2019 | Drama, Hepworth Class 2019/20
Today, Hepworth class had an exciting, outdoor english lesson creating freeze-frames of our story ‘The Mammoth Hunt’. We created freeze-frames of the 5 main scenes of the story and focused on how we could show the emotions the characters were feeling. It...
by Sam Norman | Nov 21, 2019 | Drama, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20
Today we enjoyed a performance of Emily Rising at the Half Moon Theatre in Limehouse. The story followed a young girl who discovers one morning that her feet don’t touch the ground. The drama unfolds as she gradually rises higher and higher. After relationships...
by Lansbury | Nov 17, 2019 | Art, Design Technology, Drama, Drama, Hokusai Class 2019/20
Mysha reports: I saw an amazing play! The play was called “Rumpelstiltskin”. They used puppets for the characters they also used magnets to keep everything on. Other schools came to see the play. If you don’t know about “Rumpelstiltskin” it’s about a girl who has to...
by Lansbury | Jul 18, 2019 | Dance, Drama, Hirst Class 2018/19, Music, Peggy Angus Class 2018/19
Shaun Escoffery who plays Mufasa and George Asprey who plays Scar in the Lion King musical at The Lyceum Theatre sent our Year 6 children a message wishing them goodbye and good luck for the future. Hakuna Matata!
by Kerri Sellens | Mar 13, 2019 | Art, Computing, Delaunay Class 2019/20, Design Technology, Drama, Edible Garden, Hepworth Class 2019/20, Hirst Class 2018/19, Hirst Class 2019/20, Hokusai Class 2019/20, Kahlo Class 2019/20, Lichtenstein Class 2019/20, Maths, Peggy Angus Class 2018/19, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, Riley Class 2019/20, Science, Tagore Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
Monday was a day like no other at Lansbury Lawrence. All of our children went off timetable for the day, and were allowed to explore the school to engage with different Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths activities. It was wonderful to see our older and...