by Neil Daley | Sep 30, 2022 | Lichtenstein Class 2022/23, Maths
Students took some time to interview Md Khalid to ask just how he has managed to be such an ace with his multiplication and division. He has achieved over 1,000,000 times table coins on TT Rockstars, and year 3 took a trip to year 5’s Lichtenstein class to find...
by Neil Daley | Sep 22, 2022 | History, Hokusai class 2022/23, Learning Theme
Children in year 3 enjoyed their first trip of the year today. We were met by a representative of Telford Homes who was our guide for the day as we climbed the staircase of the tower and found out about it’s significance to our community. Amelia: “I...
by Neil Daley | Sep 16, 2022 | Hokusai class 2022/23
Children are glad to be back in school after the summer holiday and have got stuck into their learning already; we’ve all decided to have a great year together! This half-term, our topic in year 3 is community, and children will be learning all about the...
by Neil Daley | Jul 15, 2022 | Hokusai Class 2021/22, Physical Education, Sport Competitions
The children ran, jumped, skipped, cheered and encouraged each other while enjoying all the activities this morning. We have been practising for several weeks and looking forward to the opportunity to compete. We don’t know which team won overall, but the...
by Neil Daley | Jul 4, 2022 | Hokusai Class 2021/22
Last week, we learnt a lot about magnets, telling the time and Roman Britain. This is our blog. Maths: We put mini clocks in our drawer so that we could use them each day to tell the time. Each interval on the clock is worth five minutes, and you need to read both...