by Lansbury | Nov 29, 2022 | Lichtenstein Class 2022/23
On Monday 21st of November Lichtenstein class enjoyed being class of the week by visiting the ice rink at Canary Wharf. After a short walk through Poplar to Canary Wharf we arrived at the ice rink and enjoyed an hour of skating on the ice. Despite falling and...
by Lansbury | Nov 29, 2022 | History, Kahlo Class 2022/23, Music
Today, Year 5 had a wonderful time at the British Museum looking at all the artefacts, mummies and hieroglyphs! King Rameses II Kahlo Class on the steps of the British Museum A gigantic heart scarab amulet beetle! Kahlo Class learnt about heart scarab amulets during...
by Lansbury | Nov 28, 2022 | Maths, Riley Class 2022/23, Van Gogh Class 2022/23
In Year 4, we have just started a new maths unit on 3, 6 and 9-times tables. To get us excited about this unit, we started with a Maths Carousel! We rotated through lots of different interactive and group activities – all related to the 3, 6 and 9-times tables!...
by Lansbury | Nov 25, 2022 | Peggy Angus Class 2022-23, Science
By Aisha and Zakia This week in our Science lesson we did an experiment to see if light bends. We decided to use a torch, a bendy tube and a piece of paper. First we made the room dark by turning off the lights and closing the blinds. Then we bent the tube and shone...
by Lansbury | Nov 23, 2022 | Forest School, Hepworth class 2022/23
This week in Forest School, we were so lucky with the weather! It was a beautiful afternoon and we were exploring with our senses. First we went on a sensory walk to see what we could hear, smell, see and feel – there were lots of crunching leaves, smooth bark...