Maths Carousel

Maths Carousel

In Year 4, we have just started a new maths unit on 3, 6 and 9-times tables. To get us excited about this unit, we started with a Maths Carousel! We rotated through lots of different interactive and group activities – all related to the 3, 6 and 9-times tables!...
Can Light Bend?

Can Light Bend?

By Aisha and Zakia This week in our Science lesson we did an experiment to see if light bends. We decided to use a torch, a bendy tube and a piece of paper. First we made the room dark by turning off the lights and closing the blinds. Then we bent the tube and shone...
Sensory Forest School

Sensory Forest School

This week in Forest School, we were so lucky with the weather! It was a beautiful afternoon and we were exploring with our senses. First we went on a sensory walk to see what we could hear, smell, see and feel – there were lots of crunching leaves, smooth bark...