Year 4s Cricket Workshop

Van Gogh and Riley class completed their first Cricket workshop in PE. They worked on their skills of throwing and catching. In cricket we played a game that included throwing ,catching and hitting with a bat. my favourite part in the cricket was the game in the end...
Get digging.

Get digging.

Children from Hokusai Class had a great time yesterday in Forest School planting bulbs ready for spring. We noticed that they looked a lot like onions and could see that the shoot would grow out the top. Practising our safe tool use, we dug the holes carefully with...
PE: dancing, dribbling and dodging

PE: dancing, dribbling and dodging

This term all children are learning sport-based skills and dance and movement skills in their PE lessons. Year 1 and 2 are learning how to control, dribble and pass a ball successfully with their feet. They learnt that control means to keep the ball close to you using...