by Lansbury | Jan 16, 2023 | Music
Van Gogh and Riley class completed their first Cricket workshop in PE. They worked on their skills of throwing and catching. In cricket we played a game that included throwing ,catching and hitting with a bat. my favourite part in the cricket was the game in the end...
by Lansbury | Jan 16, 2023 | News, Online Safety, Parents
Dear parents and carers, On Tuesday January 24th, there will be a online safety workshop for parents & carers of children with SEND. This important workshop will advise parents on current online safety concerns & will share some top tips on how to...
by Lansbury | Jan 13, 2023 | English, Maths, Peggy Angus Class 2022-23
By Nurun and Kyrah This week in maths we learnt about ratios and how to answer the questions in different ways. We also learnt how to do scale factors and to recognise similar shapes! This week in English we are writing a shared story. The name of our story is Old...
by Lansbury | Jan 12, 2023 | Forest School, Hokusai class 2022/23
Children from Hokusai Class had a great time yesterday in Forest School planting bulbs ready for spring. We noticed that they looked a lot like onions and could see that the shoot would grow out the top. Practising our safe tool use, we dug the holes carefully with...
by Lansbury | Jan 10, 2023 | Music, Physical Education
This term all children are learning sport-based skills and dance and movement skills in their PE lessons. Year 1 and 2 are learning how to control, dribble and pass a ball successfully with their feet. They learnt that control means to keep the ball close to you using...