Year 4: Riley Class
Bridget Louise Riley is an English painter who is one of the foremost exponents of Op art. She currently lives and works in London, Cornwall and the Vaucluse in France.
She began painting figure subjects in a semi-impressionist manner, then changed to pointillism mainly producing landscapes. She evolved a style in which she explored the dynamic potentialities of optical phenomena.
Early in her career, Riley worked as an art teacher.
In Year 4 children have the opportunity to write in many different formats, have guided reading daily, visit the school library to get a book to take home as well as consolidating and progressing their learning in maths through number, shape, data handling and problem solving.
Reading books go home every afternoon and are brought to school every morning. We encourage the children to read every night. To support maths you could help them practice their mental maths and times tables (including for division facts).
Year 4 will perform an assembly about the things they have been learning. Parents are welcome to attend.
- P.E. lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Please return books every morning in book bags.
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