Outdoor learning

At Lansbury Lawrence, we are incredibly lucky to have extensive outdoor grounds. The main school building was designed with large accessible spaces on either side. We take huge pride in these areas, and over the years have landscaped them to maximise areas for play while also having natural areas to support habitats and maintain mature growth. Some of our trees were planted by royalty! We have a wide range of fruit trees, and our raspberry bushes are popular with the children when the fruit is ripe. Our ‘secret garden’ is home to chickens, and a small pond area too.

 In 2018, we were awarded the Tower Hamlets in Bloom ‘Best Newcomer’ award, in recognition of our grounds. The following year, 2019, we went on to win the ‘Best Educational Establishment’ award.

Edible Playground

In 2018, the mayor of Tower Hamlets, John Biggs, officially opened our Edible Playground in one of our playgrounds. The Edible Playgound was designed and built by the charity ‘Trees for Cities’. We have a large area of raised beds, where we grow and harvest fruit and vegetables. Every child within the school has a timetabled half term to work with Joe, our school gardener, to learn about growing food through the seasons. We run family gardening sessions during school holidays, to continue the planting and harvesting cycle all year round. Have a look at the films we made with Trees for Cities below, for some planting top tips.

Eco Committee

Our Eco Committee is made up of children from across the school, who care about our environment. In 2019, they confidently spoke about how we have improved our energy usage, waste and biodiversity at Lansbury Lawrence, to an assessor as part of our Eco Schools progress. As a result of this, we were the first school in Tower Hamlets to receive the Eco Schools Green Flag Award. We are so incredibly proud of everyone at Lansbury Lawrence for all of their work making our environment a better place.

Forest School

We believe Forest School supports children to become healthy, resilient, creative and independent learners, while nurturing understanding and respect for our environment. Every child in the school has timetabled Forest School sessions. These sessions are currently led by Ms Boglietti, a trained Forest School practitioner. As part of our continued professional development programme for teachers, we have also trained Ms King (Early Years lead teacher) as a Forest School practitioner, as part of our on-going commitment to outdoor teaching and learning.

The Green Man

The Green Man

If you go into the Secret Garden, you will see strange faces staring at you from the trees... May day marks the ancient festival of the end of spring and beginning of summer. The ancient people of Britain believed that The Green Man, spirit of the trees, was the...

You’ve been Framed!

You’ve been Framed!

Year 3 had fun in Forest School this afternoon learning knots and working in teams to create frames out of sticks. It was hard getting the knots right but with resilience and teamwork we all were successful! When it was difficult, my team helped me, we worked together...

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung!

Hepworth class finally got the chance to experience their first Forest School session this week. After discussing the main rules of Forest School: look after ourselves, look after each other, look after nature, we played some team building games to improve our...

Leaf Art at Forest School

This week in Forest School, we were particularly interested in the autumn leaves all around us. There were such a beautiful range of shades and tones as well as the usual differences in shape and size. "There are so many leaves on the ground because it is autumn, you...

Forest School Tea

It was a beautiful, warm afternoon for Forest School this afternoon and we began with a sensory walk, feeling the different textures, listening out for any natural sounds (trying hard to block out the man made sounds of the road!) and smelling different plants in the...

First Forest School!

Year 5 had our first Forest School Session today, with a group of children going out into the Secret Garden to explore our surroundings. We used all our senses to explore the area and see what we noticed around us. There were lots of glistening snail trails, crunching...

Playing with plants

Playing with plants

Hokusai took their learning back outside yesterday afternoon, using Now Press Play to imagine having found a talking plant that needed protecting from a crazed botanist. Students learnt about plant reproduction and the role of insects in pollination as they saved...