by Lansbury | May 10, 2019 | Music, Music, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
What do you do with an Idea? This week children in 3B Hokusai class found out the stupendously exciting news that they are going to be singing with one of the UK’s finest orchestra’s in a performance at the Barbican. In June 2019, the children will perform...
by Kerri Sellens | May 1, 2019 | Art, Riley Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
All of Year 3 have been working on the Barbican Box, which is based on the memories of poet and author, Michael Rosen. We have made class poems exploring our own memories and worked with artists to create art in response to our ideas. Yesterday, we went to the...
by Lansbury | Apr 29, 2019 | Riley Class 2019/20, Science, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
Last week, year 3 got involved in a citizen science project in the secret garden discovering earthworms and their importance for healthy soil. Digging for earthworms We got mucky and dug holes to see what earthworms we could find in the topsoil, then poured in mustard...
by Kerri Sellens | Apr 6, 2019 | Art, Delaunay Class 2019/20, Design Technology, Hepworth Class 2019/20, Hirst Class 2018/19, Hirst Class 2019/20, Hokusai Class 2019/20, Kahlo Class 2019/20, Lichtenstein Class 2019/20, Peggy Angus Class 2018/19, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, Riley Class 2019/20, Tagore Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
An annual feature at Lansbury Lawrence is the Easter hat parade, where the whole school comes together, and children in years 1-6 get to strut along a catwalk wearing their wonderful self-made hat creation. Recycled materials feature prominently, as does personal...
by Kerri Sellens | Mar 31, 2019 | Dance, Riley Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
The Iron Man Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES Year 3 have been working with a dance teacher from Chisenhale Dance for the past five weeks. They have created a dance to tell the story of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes – which has been this half...
by Kerri Sellens | Mar 13, 2019 | Art, Computing, Delaunay Class 2019/20, Design Technology, Drama, Edible Garden, Hepworth Class 2019/20, Hirst Class 2018/19, Hirst Class 2019/20, Hokusai Class 2019/20, Kahlo Class 2019/20, Lichtenstein Class 2019/20, Maths, Peggy Angus Class 2018/19, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, Riley Class 2019/20, Science, Tagore Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
Monday was a day like no other at Lansbury Lawrence. All of our children went off timetable for the day, and were allowed to explore the school to engage with different Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths activities. It was wonderful to see our older and...