by Lansbury | Feb 27, 2019 | Hirst Class 2019/20, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, RE
At the end of last half term, both Year 5 classes had a visit to the London Buddhist Centre in Bethnal Green. Asking questions We listened to the story of the Buddha and the history of the Buddhist Centre. Our Buddhist tour guide explained how two men had set up the...
by Lansbury | Feb 14, 2019 | Maths, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20
Kahlo class Rock Out with new Timestables Rockstars display Today, we have used our love of Maths and our enthusiasm for Timestables Rockstars to create the school’s latest display. Timestables Rockstars is a fun programme that...
by Lansbury | Feb 6, 2019 | Hirst Class 2019/20, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, Physical Education
In January, both year 5 classes took part in an exciting cycling training programme with Cycling Instructor. Ready to leave the playground for the road. During the second week of training, some children were ready to cycle on the main road after learning about how to...
by Lansbury | Feb 6, 2019 | Computing, Delaunay Class 2019/20, Hepworth Class 2019/20, Hirst Class 2018/19, Hirst Class 2019/20, Hokusai Class 2019/20, Kahlo Class 2019/20, Lichtenstein Class 2019/20, P4C, Peggy Angus Class 2018/19, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, Riley Class 2019/20, Tagore Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
Online safety focus across the school on February 5th 2019 Left: Year 1 discuss how to keep your personal information safe online. This Tuesday, Lansbury Lawrence marked Safer Internet Day with exciting lessons covering some very important online safety rules....
by Lansbury | Jan 29, 2019 | Edible Garden, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20
Last week, Kahlo class began to construct the coop for our new chickens which will be arriving today! As a reward for winning a class token reward in January, Kahlo class were invited to work with our resident gardener Joe to assemble the cage and new homes for our...
by Lansbury | Jan 28, 2019 | Hirst Class 2019/20, Peggy Angus Class 2019/20, Physical Education
Year 5 are currently in the middle of an intense cycling training course. We were recently visited by Martin from Cycling Instructor who brought 4 brand new bikes for the children to try out on the playground. Some children were familiar with cycling as they have a...