Ramadan Mubarak!

This week marks the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. It is most well–known for fasting, which means not eating or drinking during the daylight hours, but it is also a time where Muslim families come together in their faith and remember those around the...

Achievement Assembly 11th February 2021

Please enjoy our weekly video showcasing some of our excellent work this week. Lots and lots of great work to enjoy! This week we’re sharing work from classes in Reception, Years 2, 4 and 6. Keep an eye on the school website for the class blogs instead of our...
Weekly Challenge #5 – Digital Habits

Weekly Challenge #5 – Digital Habits

Our final challenge for this half-term is all about how we use our digital devices at home. This week is Safer Internet Week and we have been focusing on being safe while browsing the internet – spotting what’s real or fake, keeping information private,...