by Glen Lucille | Apr 28, 2023 | Hamilton class 2022/23, P4C
Our story connects to our P4C lesson Questions to ponder… Who is kind or unkind the goats or the troll? We really enjoy P4C in Hamilton class. We love that we can share our own ideas and thoughts and that all opinions are listened to. Our Considerations This...
by Lansbury | Apr 26, 2023 | All Classes, Newsletter, P4C, Parents
Starter: For 3-5 year olds: For 6-9 year olds: For 10+ year olds: Don’t forget to take pictures or videos of your P4C discussion and send it to!
by Lansbury | Apr 19, 2023 | P4C
Last term, we invited all the parents at Lansbury Lawrence to come in and join their children to participate in P4C workshops. During the workshop, parents learnt about what Philosophy 4 Children is, why we teach P4C at Lansbury Lawrence and how parents can complete...
by Neil Daley | Feb 10, 2023 | Forest School, Hokusai class 2022/23, Learning Theme, Maths, P4C
by The whole class This half term in Hokusai class, we learnt how are bodies work so effectively. We would like to tell you about some of our favourite moments, so please read on to find out more. Rayan P4C “We used teamwork when we sat back to back with our...
by Lansbury | Feb 3, 2023 | Hadid Class 2022/23, Newsletter, P4C, Peggy Angus Class 2022-23
Today, we went to Manorfield Primary School to take part in a Philosothon. For our warm up game, we had to select a postcard that we felt related to us the most. Once we had chosen our postcard, we had to introduce ourselves and explain why we connected to the...
by Neil Daley | Dec 10, 2022 | Hokusai class 2022/23, Learning Theme, P4C
by Umaira It is nearly the end of term in school, and our favourite part of this week was the Christmas lunch. We sat with our class and the teachers eating lunch and reading jokes from the Christmas crackers. The crackers also had hats and stickers inside. In...