by Kerri Sellens | Mar 18, 2020 | News, Parents
There are lots of opportunities for continuing our learning at home. Your child has brought home a pack today, with resources and passwords, to be used in the event of school closure or self-isolation. If you are already off school, there is a pack for your child that...
by Owen O'Regan | Mar 18, 2020 | News, Parents
Update 16th May Dear parents and carers You will be aware that the Government has announced that it expects schools to be able to open from the 1st June for some year groups followed by the rest of the school later in June.The Government has asked for us to begin...
by Tim Harrington | Oct 18, 2019 | News, Newsletter
During assembly this week, children in year 4 and 5 presented their writing to the rest of school. The audience were treated to non-chronological reports about our local area and a range of poetry in year 5. Well done to all children for using loud, clear voices and...
by Kerri Sellens | Oct 10, 2019 | ECO Committee, News, Outdoor Learning
Last week our Eco Committee did a brilliant job answering questions about our Eco-Schools progress to a visiting assessor. They confidently spoke about how we have improved our energy usage, waste and biodiversity at Lansbury Lawrence. The assessor had a good look...
by Tim Harrington | Oct 10, 2019 | Maths, News, Newsletter, Parents
Thursday 10th October marked our second in a series of parent workshops for maths in Reception and KS1. Parents and carers came prepared to share activities they had tried at home with subitising and counting with their children. It was delightful to see our community...
by Tim Harrington | Oct 1, 2019 | Maths, News, Newsletter, Parents
On Tuesday 1st October, parents and carers from children in KS2 attended the first of a series of workshops exploring ways to support our learners with multiplication table facts. Mr. Daley demonstrating online support at home. The event was well attended with over 40...