by Lansbury | Nov 29, 2022 | Lichtenstein Class 2022/23
On Monday 21st of November Lichtenstein class enjoyed being class of the week by visiting the ice rink at Canary Wharf. After a short walk through Poplar to Canary Wharf we arrived at the ice rink and enjoyed an hour of skating on the ice. Despite falling and...
by Lansbury | Nov 17, 2022 | Assembly, Computing, Hadid Class 2022/23, Hepworth class 2022/23, Hokusai class 2022/23, Kahlo Class 2022/23, Lichtenstein Class 2022/23, Online Safety, Parents, Peggy Angus Class 2022-23, Riley Class 2022/23, Van Gogh Class 2022/23
Today, Years 3 – 6 were excited to take part in our online safety assembly thanks to Google & Parentzone’s Be Internet Legends program. The children learn about key concepts in online safety through the Be Internet Legends curriculum and have all...
by Kerri Sellens | Oct 10, 2022 | Art, Kahlo Class 2022/23, Lichtenstein Class 2022/23
Year 5 have been looking at the brilliant work of artist, Doreen Fletcher. We were inspired by Doreen’s work of East End buildings and have been painting our own. We have been exploring prespective and scale. Like Doreen, we have been spending a lot of time on...
by Neil Daley | Sep 30, 2022 | Lichtenstein Class 2022/23, Maths
Students took some time to interview Md Khalid to ask just how he has managed to be such an ace with his multiplication and division. He has achieved over 1,000,000 times table coins on TT Rockstars, and year 3 took a trip to year 5’s Lichtenstein class to find...