Rock-solid evidence!

Rock-solid evidence!

Students in Hokusai class were fascinated to find out how fossils were formed and to discover just how much they could learn from the artefacts they were examining. The class used observation and enquiry to dig deeper into the lesson, and they look forward to making...
Maths Week England: Rock Out 2020 🌟 🎸

Maths Week England: Rock Out 2020 🌟 🎸

After an epic week of competition that saw the top spot change hands a number of times, we’d all like to congratulate Lichtenstein class for proving themselves as worthy champions. Applause is also due for all the students’ efforts and to Khalid Mohamed,...

The Votes Are In

Hokusai class thought long and hard about which two students they wanted to nominate as their school council representatives. Candidates put themselves forward and confidently stepped up to deliver their carefully written speeches, before their classmates took part in...